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If you no longer have feelings left for me I wish you'd tell me what make you so
Friday, 21 December 2012 | 06:07 | 0 comments

"It's 'cause I don't know how to speak well?"
"or because I'm too restless and loud?"
"or maybe my language is too bad?"
"I get jealous and too damn proud?"

"or because I'm childish?"
"I'm not tall enough?"
"maybe my body's not sexy enough?"
"or maybe my hair color's not good enough?"
"or maybe 'cause I lack a sense of self-control?"
"please... whatever it is... I'll change, I promise!"

"I don't care even if you behave like a child"
 "I like that part of you"
"I mean I love you"
"as you are "
"so please"
"please don't change yourself"


Orange Bow Tie